Boy Scout
Height: 238.00+ ft (72.54+ m) Elevation: 245 ft (75 m) GPS Latitude: 41.78185
Volume: Creek: Jordan Creek GPS Longitude: -124.13441
Width: 23.24 ft (7.08 m) Grove: Metcalf Grove Discovery Date: 1920s
Age: Park: Jedediah Smith Redwoods SP Discovered By: John R. "Jack" Breen Jr.

Notes: Boy Scout Tree, named to honor the scouts who first blazed a trail to the tree, is a large, double-stem coast redwood: two fused trees with a combined width over 23 ft (7 m).

Del Norte County Sheriff John R. "Jack" Breen Jr. discovered the tree sometime in the 1920s. In 1922, Breen and other men from Crescent City established Boy Scouts of America (now Scouting America) Troop 10 which later blazed a trail (also named to honor the scouts) to the tree. Sometime thereafter, Lee Inman Jones photographed Troop 10 at the tree.

Drive: Boy Scout is 291 mi (468 km) north of San Francisco near Crescent City.

Northbound: From U.S. Highway 101, just south of Crescent City, turn right onto Humboldt Road. Drive north 1.5 mi (2.4 km) on Humboldt Road and turn right onto Howland Hill Road. Drive east 3.1 mi (5.0 km) on Howland Hill Road, past Howland Hill Giant, to the Boyscout Tree Trailhead, located at 41.76856, -124.11022.

Southbound: From U.S. Highway 101, just south of Crescent City, turn left onto Elk Valley Road. Drive east 1.1 mi (1.8 km) on Elk Valley Road and turn right onto Howland Hill Road. Drive east 3.6 mi (5.8 km) on Howland Hill Road, past Howland Hill Giant, to the Boyscout Tree Trailhead, located at 41.76856, -124.11022.

Hike: From the trailhead, hike 2.3 mi (3.7 km) northwest on Boy Scout Tree Trail. Turn right at an unmarked (easy to miss) spur trail and hike north/uphill 50 ft (15 m) to Boy Scout Tree.

Rating: Easy One-Way Distance: 2.3 mi (3.7 km) Ascent: 250 ft (76 m)
Time: 1 hr Off-Trail: 50 ft (15 m) Descent: 300 ft (91 m)
Boy Scout Tree Hike Map

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Boy Scout Tree

Photos: Pictures of Boy Scout Tree taken from different sides

Boy Scout Tree Boy Scout Tree Boy Scout Tree Boy Scout Tree Boy Scout Tree Boy Scout Tree Boy Scout Tree