Converse Basin Grove

Notes: Converse Basin Grove is located near Converse Creek and Converse Mountain in the northern section (Hume Lake Ranger District) of Giant Sequoia National Monument. Once considered the second-largest grove of giant redwoods, Converse Basin Grove was logged of nearly all giant redwoods between 1892 and 1918. Experts estimate only 60 to 100 of the original 6,000 old-growth giant redwoods remain.

Converse Basin Grove includes 1 of the 10 largest trees on Earth: Boole, the 2nd largest tree in Giant Sequoia National Monument and the only tree in the grove larger than 40,000 ft3 (1,133 m3).

Boole is the largest tree in Converse Basin Grove.

Converse Basin Grove includes the following giant redwoods:

  • Chicago Stump (General Noble)
  • D25 Stump
  • Muir Snag

Photos: Pictures of Converse Basin Grove

Converse Basin Grove - Stump Meadow Converse Basin Grove - Boole Tree