Icarus - World's 6th Tallest Tree
Height: 371.19+ ft (113.14+ m) Elevation: GPS Latitude:
Volume: Creek: Redwood Creek tributary GPS Longitude:
Width: 12.40 ft (3.78 m) Grove: Helios Grove Discovery Date: July 1, 2006
Age: Park: Redwood NP Discovered By: Chris K. Atkins
Michael W. Taylor

Notes: Icarus is the world's 6th tallest tree, the 4th tallest tree in Redwood National Park, and the 2nd tallest tree in Helios Grove. Naturalists Chris K. Atkins and Michael W. Taylor named the tree after Icarus, son of Daedalus, from Greek Mythology, who drowned after his waxen wings melted when he flew too close to The Sun, because it has a dead, sun-bleached top. As Taylor put it, "Icarus flew too close to The Sun and got burned."

The film In Search of the Tallest: A Redwoods Adventure includes a segment about Icarus.